Fate of The Empress Guide: Heirs' Toys - But you are the one who plays them | Neverland Sect 51 | Fate of The Empress
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Fate of The Empress Guide: Heirs' Toys - But you are the one who plays them

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

Author: Jiodi

Editor: Linkai

Last update: 2023, August 27th

If you haven't read the basic guide about Heirs - How to make your Heirs perfect in Fate of The Empress, kindly check it here.

Heir Toys! What are they and how do they work?

Heir toys are, well, toys for your kids. They are not to be overlooked as they provide some of the densest might possible.

(Seriously, don’t overlook them!)

The way toys work is each heir can hold up to three toys, a Top, Chinese Rings, and a Ball. It has to be one of each, they can’t hold, say, two balls and a set of Chinese rings. The toys currently come in three rarities: Phoenix, Brightness, and Fabled. I’m sure we will get godly later on, though, so if I forget to update the guide feel free to throw pink text at me.

(The toy collection!)

To access the toys menu, there’s this nifty little button on the heir screen that says ‘Toys’.

From here you get the toy screen. See this amazing image for more information on what stuff does:

I. Natures

II. Polishing

III. Polishing Tips and Tricks

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